Grant of options

EKF Diagnostics Holdings plc (AIM: EKF) announces that, on 12 September 2016, the Company granted options (“Options”) over a total of 6,600,000 ordinary shares of 1 pence each in the capital of the Company (“Ordinary Shares”) pursuant to the Company’s Unapproved Share Option Plan. Of these Options, 5,800,000 were granted to Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities (“PDMRs”) on behalf of the Company, with 800,000 granted to one other employee.

All Options will vest on 12 September 2019 subject to achievement by the individual recipient of specific performance-related criteria and continuous employment, except that they will vest automatically upon the sale of the Company. The Options are exercisable at 15 pence per Ordinary Share, with an expiry date for exercise of 12 September 2026.

The notification attached, made in accordance with the requirements of the EU Market Abuse Regulation, provides further detail.

Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them.

EKF Diagnostics Holdings plc
Julian Baines, CEO
Richard Evans, Finance Director and COO
00 44 29 2071 0570
Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited
Peter Steel
Paul Fincham
00 44 20 7886 2500

Walbrook PR Limited
Paul McManus
Lianne Cawthorne

00 44 20 7933 8780 or
00 44 7980 541 893
00 44 7584 391 303
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