Modern Slavery Act 2015



This Modern Slavery Act 2015 Statement was last updated on 09/09/24.



EKF Diagnostics Holdings plc and its subsidiary companies, including EKF-diagnostic GmbH and Stanbio Laboratory LLC, operate in several countries, including the UK. We are committed to ensuring that exploitation, including any form of slavery or human trafficking, does not take place in any part of our business or supply chain.

Section 54, Part 6 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the ‘Act’) requires all organisations to set out the steps the organisation has taken during the financial year to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within either its UK business or the supply chains to that business.

Organisational Structure

EKF Diagnostics Holdings plc consists of several wholly owned subsidiaries including Stanbio Laboratory LLC, Separation Technology Inc., EKF-diagnostic GmbH, and SensLab GmbH. This corporate statement of compliance is valid and effective for all wholly owned subsidiaries of the parent company.

The Group has operations in the UK, the USA, Germany, and Russia and recently had a combined annual turnover of £52.6m. We sell to over 100 countries worldwide.

Our Business

EKF Diagnostics Holding plc is a medical technology business that is advancing healthcare delivery through the development of innovative point-of-care and laboratory medical devices, coupled with a device connectivity eco-system. EKF is also a specialist manufacturer of diagnostic enzymes for use in medical diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, and industry, and it provides contract manufacturing solutions to healthcare partners globally.

The EKF portfolio of products and services supports several key areas of healthcare including haematology, diabetes, women’s health, veterinary, sports performance, pathology, clinical research, and contract manufacturing.

Our Policy

We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery within our business, in our supply chain, or with the distributors that we deal with. We aim to demonstrate that the EKF Diagnostics Group follows good practice and that all reasonable steps are taken to prevent slavery and human trafficking. We believe that all individuals who work within our business should be treated with dignity and respect, rewarded fairly for their work, and not exploited. We only wish to work with organizations in our supply chain that have similar commitments and are not involved in modern slavery.

Our Supply Chains

We operate in a highly regulated industry subject to a number of complex laws, rules, and regulations. We expect all parties in our supply chain to comply with our values. We have commenced a process of seeking confirmation of this from our supply chain, third parties, and distributors (UK and overseas).

Due Diligence Process

We have introduced substantive contractual clauses to our distributor agreement documents. These set out our expectations with distributors, their officers, employees, agents, and sub-contractors regarding full compliance with the Act and our zero tolerance to any form of slavery or human trafficking. They are required to advise EKF immediately of any possible breaches. Contracts with other customers also include a compliance requirement where possible. All distributors have been brought on to compliant contracts.

All suppliers are required to ensure that they provide employees with good working conditions, fair treatment, and reasonable rates of pay, respect workers’ human rights, and comply with local labour laws and regulations. Wherever possible, supplier contracts include clauses requiring compliance with the Act. Serious violations will lead to the termination of the business relationship.

Risk Assessment and Management

Sales and purchasing teams constantly assess and monitor our distribution and supply chains. They visit customers and suppliers regularly. During these visits, contractual items, including compliance with the Act, are discussed as necessary. Risk assessment is based on the size of the business, its location, and our team’s assessment of the partner’s business and management.

Activities to be undertaken in the next 12 months

We are working to implement a code of conduct covering employees and, if appropriate, suppliers and distributors and to carry out sample checks of suppliers to ensure adherence to the Modern Slavery Act. We will continue to provide information, training, and support for staff on modern slavery and human trafficking as appropriate so they understand the legislation and its impact on our activities.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

As part of the work outlined above, we will consider and implement appropriate KPI measures to monitor and manage potential risk.


The Board of Directors understands their responsibilities, and relevant Group employees have received training to fully understand their responsibilities and be alert to the risks in our business and in the wider supply chains.

Training will continue to be developed and delivered to all appropriate personnel, targeting those areas of the business that the Company identifies as posing the greatest risk from a slavery or human trafficking perspective. Work on our proposed Code of Conduct will include training designed to help our workforce understand how to put our values into practice in their daily working lives and manage ethical dilemmas they may encounter.

Staff will be instructed that they are expected to report concerns, with management being tasked to act upon any reports.

We have an appropriate reporting framework in place to encourage the reporting of concerns and ensure the protection of whistle-blowers. All reports will be fully investigated, and appropriate remedial actions will be taken.

Board of Directors’ Approval

This statement, which relates to the year ended 31 December 2023, has been approved by the Board of Directors of EKF Diagnostics Holdings plc.


Download the EKF Diagnostics Modern Slavery Act 2015 Statement here.


This Modern Slavery Act 2015 Statement was last updated on 09/09/24.