Hemo Control

Hemoglobin and hematocrit testing

Hemo Control is a point-of-care hemoglobin analyzer designed to provide quantitative, lab-quality hemoglobin results after 25 seconds.

Hemo Control uses the most established photometric azide methemoglobin method, ensuring reliable results with a high precision (CV <2%).

Hemo Control is used in blood banks, hospitals, and doctors’ offices for routine point-of-care anemia screening. Its backlit screen, soft-load cuvette holder, and integrated rechargeable battery make it the perfect analyzer for stationary use and mobile settings.

In addition to providing hemoglobin measurement, Hemo Control also calculates hematocrit.

Hemo Control is powered by EKF Link, which enables QC management, operator tracking, and seamless data transfer via USB or Bluetooth. It connects to EKF Link using a bidirectional interface, allowing for the direct transfer of test results to LIS/HIS/DIMS and other software communicating in HL7 or ASCII.

Advanced data management functions are available with the Hemo Control Manager version of the device, and the basic Hemo Control device can be upgraded with data management functions at a later date.

The ‘Add Pack’ Data management is an ideal future option for customers who plan for implementation into a hospital or lab information system but are not yet in a position to do so for technological or budgetary reasons.


This device is powered by EKF Link,
an optional software solution for healthcare providers,
centralizing data management for
point-of-care analyzers on one flexible platform.
Find out more at: EKF Link

Simple, accurate, and reliable hemoglobin and hematocrit test

Key features:

  • Two results in one test
  • Easy to use
  • No Calibration required
  • Bubble-free cuvette design
  • Compact 160mm x 160mm x 68mm
  • Just 700g

For Hemo Control and Add pack DM and Hemo Control Manager:

  • Bi-directional interface
  • Data management functions via EKF Link
Contact our specialists

Easy hemoglobin and hematocrit measurement in three steps:


Collect blood sample


Put microcuvette into analyzer


Result appears after 25-60 seconds

Frequently Asked Questions:

What measuring method is used?
What connectivity package does Hemo Control Have?
What data management functions are available?
What controls does Hemo Control use?
How often should the optic be cleaned?

Easy to use

  • User-friendly features minimize training time
  • Step-by-step instructions on the screen
  • Backlit touchscreen
  • User-selectable language menu
  • Soft-load cuvette holder minimizes the risk of contamination

Practical and portable

  • Hemoglobin and hematocrit results from one sample available after 25-60 seconds (depending on the concentration)
  • Venous, arterial, or capillary blood
  • Sample volume only 8 µl
  • Microcuvette minimizes air bubbles
  • Compact in size and weighing just 700g
  • Only monthly maintenance required. Auto self-test
  • Integrated rechargeable battery (100 hours)

Accurate and reliable

  • Operating ambient temperature 15 °C – 40 °C
  • Photometric azide methemoglobin method
  • Measuring range: 1.1-25.5 g/dL; 0-15.9 mmol/L
  • Imprecision: CV <2 %
  • Linearity: 0-20 g/dL: ±0.3 g/dL; >20 g/dL: ±0.7 g/dL
  • Calibrated to NCCLS reference method
  • Control cuvette included

Data management functions

  • Bi-directional interface using LIS2-A2 communication standard
  • Stores 4,000 patient results
  • Connect to PC via USB connector cable
  • Basic device upgradeable with data management (DM) functions: Barcode identification of patients, operators, cuvette LOT and control materials, quality control lockout function, additionally stores 500QC results
  • Hemo Control Manager: integrated BluetoothTM technology, supports DM functions already at delivery.
Hemo Control: Datasheet (EN EU Rev 6.3 09-2020)

Connectivity at the point-of-care

EKF Link is an optional software platform that provides a flexible and secure method for connecting point-of-care devices to hospital and laboratory IT systems.

Real-time data and device management on one platform

EKF Link is a middleware solution that helps healthcare providers manage their point-of-care analyzers and associated data on one platform. A flexible and open solution that can be interfaced with most point-of-care analyzers, allowing real-time data management, including patient test results, QC results, operator management, and analyzer configuration.

Contact the EKF team to discuss your requirements