- User-friendly features minimize training time
- Step-by-step instructions on the screen
- Adjustable backlit touchscreen
- User-selectable language menu
- Soft-load cuvette holder minimizes the risk of contamination
A backlit screen touch screen, a soft-load cuvette holder, and an integrated rechargeable battery make the Hemo Vet the ideal analyzer for veterinary clinic use and mobile settings. It features a bidirectional interface using a public standard protocol that allows direct integration with third-party software.
Hemo Vet allows a veterinarian to quickly assess the HCT and Hb concentration of any subject in the clinic or in the field, and enable rapid diagnosis of a particular disease state along with other clinical symptoms and initiate treatment.
This device is powered by EKF Link,
an optional software solution for healthcare providers,
centralizing data management for
point-of-care analyzers on one flexible platform.
Find out more at: EKF Link
EKF Link is an optional software platform that provides a flexible and secure method for connecting point-of-care devices to hospital and laboratory IT systems.
EKF Link is a middleware solution that helps healthcare providers manage their point-of-care analyzers and associated data on one platform. A flexible and open solution that can be interfaced with most point-of-care analyzers, allowing real-time data management, including patient test results, QC results, operator management, and analyzer configuration.